Tag Archive: Kill Your Idols

Kill Your Idols-The Movie Life-To Each His Own-From The Black-Down In Flames @ Brick NJ 9-1-99

I remember this show being fairly lowly attended for some reason. Down In Flames covered Full Speed Ahead (I think this was the show), which was really cool. Shore bands who want to get over with the locals should do that. Kill Your Idols covered Sheer Terror (but not Here To Stay). I think I went to dinner during a few of the other bands. I remember this was right before a new semester began, or maybe it had begun that previous week, and after one of the worst summers of my life I was ready to go back to…
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Kill Your Idols-Full Speed Ahead-Life’s Halt-No Reply @ New Brunswick NJ 7-12-00

A few different narrative lines going on at this show. The first one is the Life’s Halt/No Reply tour coming to New Jersey. These bands were red hot during that summer and a lot of people wanted to see them. I wasn’t a HUGE fan of either band, but I remember them being good at this show. This was Full Speed Ahead’s final show. They got a really wild reaction for their brief set. I wish there was a video of it because they got a nice send off. Their set was short because, apparently, Kill Your Idols would not…
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Matt Leveton Benefit 1999

The first ever benefit for Matt Leveton was in January 1999. Matt used to book shows at Manville and got seriously hurt in a car crash. These shows were a really big deal at the time and a nice showing of what can happen when the hardcore scene comes together for something good. The first day was highlighted by a reunion show for Strength 691. I remember seeing a lot of people who I had not seen in a few years, which is an odd feeling when you are 19, and hung around catching up with a lot of people.…
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Vision-Insted-Kill Your Idols @ New York City NY 6-27-04

I was never a huge Insted fan, but we still headed up to CBGB to see Vision and Kill Your Idols. Vision were really good at this show. They came out firing hard and played a great set. As you can see in the video I sat down on the stage for Insted’s set, but was then pretty surprised by how good they were. I don’t like any of their records really besides What We Believe, but they were good and I got into it after awhile. I still have an Insted sticker from this show on the desk in…
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Ensign-9 Lives-Kill Your Idols-Step Ahead-Public Urination-Rise Above-A Moments Peace @ Asbury Park, NJ 1-29-99

I do not remember a ton from this show, but the big thing I remember is interviewing Kill Your Idols in the bathroom of Casino Skate Park. That was the only quiet place we could find unfortunately. It stunk in there and we did a quick interview to get out of the place. I never printed the interview despite Parade Brigade Fanzine beginning right after this. I also did a Purpose interview right around this time that never got printed. Actually, I think that might have been at Casino Skate Park too maybe? I do not know why we never…
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Ensign-Grey Area-Kid Dynamite-Kill Your Idols-All Chrome @ Manville Elks Lodge Manville NJ 4-2-99

We made sure to get to this show early for two reasons. First, this was the debut show for the first issue of Parade Brigade Fanzine. We sold a bunch during the show and handed a bunch to various bands for them to get rid of. Second, we had heard All Chrome was a new band from Massachusetts that sounded like Verbal Assault. They sort of did, but with some 90s emo influences. The CD of their records was on constant rotation in my room for a few years after this show. Kill Your Idols were becoming a really hyped…
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Ensign-Floorpunch-Saves The Day-Rain On The Parade-Fastbreak-Follow Through-Kill Your Idols @ New Providence American Legion Hall New Providence NJ 11-14-97

This was the record release for Ensign’s first album. There was a major snow storm and some sleet in the area for this show. Of course, Justin and I forged ahead, almost got in an accident, and still managed to basically get to the show first besides a few random people. A few of these random people approached us while we sat on the back of my car. They looked kind of redneckish and said they loved Ensign, but also a bunch of tough guy bands. The one then called someone a fag and said that the bands they liked…
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Poison Idea-Nihilistics-Kill Your Idols Summer 2003 CBGB New York City NY

Before this, I think the last time Poison Idea had been on the east coast was around 1990, so there was a lot of anticipation for this show. A few more bands might have played, but I don’t remember. I remember Kill Your Idols were a hot band in hardcore at the time and I think did the entire tour with Poison Idea (which included a surprise Slapshot set the next day). Nihilistics were absolutely horrible and said some pretty racist stuff on stage about Arabs. That band has like two good songs anyway, so fuck em. I was on…
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