September 29, 2020
Breathing Fire, Cross Laws, Darvocets, Double Negative, Free Spirit, Invasion, Iron Age, Men's Interest, Mind Eraser, New Lows, No Tolerance, Running For Cover
Demo No Tolerance, Demo Tape, USA, 2008 Free Spirit, Be Yourself Demo Tape, USA, 2008 Men’s Interest, Demo, USA, 2008 Shorter Iron Age, The Way Is Narrow 7″, USA, 2008 Cross Laws, Ancient Rites 7″, USA, 2008 New Lows, Self Titled 7″, USA, 2008 Mind Eraser, The Prodigal Son Brings Death 7″, USA, 2008 Double Negative, Raw Energy 7″, USA, 2008 Longer Invasion, La Caza 12″, Spain, 2008 Darvocets, Are New Wave???? 12″, USA, 2008 Breathing Fire, Years Of Lead 12″, USA, 2008 Mind Eraser, Conscious Unconscious 12″, USA, 2008 Running For Cover, Dark Well 12″, USA, 2008
September 29, 2020
Annihilation Time, Avskum, Cold Sweat, Direct Control, Far From Breaking, From Ashes Rise, Get Down, Justice, Knife Fight, Mind Eraser, No Hope For The Kids, Running For Cover
Demo Mind Eraser, Demo Tape, USA, 2003 Running For Cover, Demo Tape, USA, 2003 Justice, Demo Tape, USA, 2003 Get Down, Demo Tape, USA, 2003 Direct Control, Demo Tape, USA, 2003 Shorter Various Artists, Town Of Hardcore #6 7″, International, 2003 No Hope For The Kids, Das Reich 7″, Denmark, 2003 Far From Breaking, The Identity 7″, USA, 2003 Knife Fight, Self Titled 7″, USA, 2003 Annihilation Time, Bad Reputation 7″, USA, 2003 Longer Cold Sweat, Severed Ties 12″, USA, 2003 Avskum, Punkista 12″, USA, 2003 From Ashes Rise, Nightmares 12″, USA, 2003
September 24, 2020
Career Suicide, Double Negative, Dry Rot, Government Warning, Iron Age, Mind Eraser, Nightmare, Pisschrist, Scapegoat, Splitting Headache, Step Forward, The Good Book
Demo Step Forward, Demo Tape, USA, 2006 The Good Book, Demo Tape, USA, 2006 Double Negative, Demo Tape, USA, 2006 Shorter Dry Rot, Permission 7″, USA, 2006 Scapegoat, Self Titled 7″, USA, 2006 Splitting Headache, Self Titled 7″, USA, 2006 Various Artists, No Bullshit Volume One 7″, International, 2006 Nightmare, Refugee Of Logical Society 7″, Japan, 2006 Longer Mind Eraser, Glacial Reign 12″, USA, 2006 Career Suicide, Attempted Suicide 12″, Canada, 2006 Pisschrist, Nothing Has Changed 12″, Australia, 2006 Government Warning, No Moderation 12″, USA, 2006 Iron Age, Constant Struggle 12″, USA, 2006
September 24, 2020
Abusive Action, Born In Hell, Breathing Fire, Call The Police, Christian Club, Disclose, Forward, Full Speed Ahead, Get Real, Gorilla Angreb, Iron Boots, Knife Fight, Mind Eraser, Running For Cover, Scapegoat
Demo Breathing Fire, Demo, USA, 2004 Iron Boots, Demo Tape, USA, 2004 Abusive Action, Unbreakable Demo, Netherlands, 2004 Born In Hell, Demo Tape, USA, 2004 Scapegoat, Demo Tape, USA, 2004 Shorter Knife Fight, Burning Bridges 7″, USA, 2004 Running For Cover, Human Ruins 7″, USA, 2004 Disclose, Apocalypse Continues 7″, Japan, 2004 Christian Club, Self Titled 7″, USA, 2004 Gorilla Angreb, Self Titled 7″, Denmark, 2004 Longer Full Speed Ahead, Born To Lose 12″, USA, 2004 Forward, Burn Down The Corrupt Justice 12″, Japan, 2004 Call The Police, 1984 In 2003 12″, USA, 2004 Get Real, Shore Style 12″, USA,…
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November 28, 2016
2000 Maniacs, 86 Mentality, 9 Shocks Terror, ABC Weapons, Abusive Action, Amdi Petersens Arme, Annihilation Time, Avskum, Bloodkrow Butcher, Born In Hell, Breathing Fire, Burn, Call The Police, Calvary, Career Suicide, Christian Club, Cold Sweat, Cops & Robbers, Cross Laws, Crow, Darvocets, Dead Nation, Dead Stop, Deathreat, Degenerics, Demon System 13, Destino Final, Direct Control, Disclose, Double Negative, Dry Rot, Far From Breaking, Forward, Framtid, Free Spirit, From Ashes Rise, Full Speed Ahead, FYA, Get Real, Give, Gordon Solie Mother Fuckers, Gorilla Angreb, Government Warning, Harum Scarum, Haymaker, In The Red, Infest, Inmates, Invasion, Iron Age, Iron Boots, Jesus Eater, John Brown's Army, Knife Fight, Knock Down, Last In Line, Lebenden Toten, Lion Of Judah, Look Back & Laugh, Mental, Midnight, Mind Eraser, New Lows, Nightmare, No Hope For The Kids, No Justice, No Tolerance, Nuclear Family, Obliteration, Out Cold, Pisschrist, Righteous Jams, Running For Cover, Scapegoat, Shark Attack, Signal Lost, Snake Apartment, Soul Swallower, Splitting Headache, Step Forward, Stop & Think, Systematic Death, Tear It Up, The Good Book, The Promise, The Snobs, Think I Care, Thirty Two Frames, Totalitar, Tragedy, True Blue, Voices Forming Weapons, Waste Management, Wasted Time, World Burns To Death
9 Shocks Terror, Zen & The Art Of Beating Your Ass LP, USA, 2002 86 Mentality, Self Titled 7″, USA, 2004 2000 Maniacs, State College Hardcore 7″, USA, 2005 ABC Weapons, The Process Of Decay LP, Australia, 2005 Abusive Action, Unbreakable Demo, Netherlands, 2004 Amdi Petersens Arme, Self Titled 7″, Denmark, 2000 Annihilation Time, Self Titled LP, USA, 2003 Avskum, Punkista LP, USA, 2002 Bloodkrow Butcher, Demo, USA, 2009 Born In Hell, Demo Tape, USA, 2004 Breathing Fire, Demo, USA, 2004 Burn, The Last Great Sea 7″, USA, 2002 Call The Police, 1984 In 2004 LP, USA, 2004 Calvary, Outnumbered…
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July 25, 2016
Bracewar, Down To Nothing, Floorpunch, Get Real, Invasion, Mind Eraser, Righteous Jams, Staring Problem
When Floorpunch started playing gigs again, I kept missing them because of school and then work. This show was originally supposed to be in December, but a big snow storm the day of the show postponed it for a month or so. I got so lost going to this show. I missed my exit on the Turnpike and had to drive around in a circle for about 20 minutes before figuring it out. I missed a few bands, but got there just as Mind Eraser began playing and I watched them from the back of the room. They opened with…
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August 5, 2013
Blind Justice, Fire & Ice, Floorpunch, Give, Hounds Of Hate, Mind Eraser, No Tolerance, The Boston Strangler, World War IV
I had double duty on this day: A show in the afternoon and then a date that night! I did that once before I think maybe about 12 years ago, but it would be a busy day for sure. I do not really remember the order of bands that played, so I will just run through them. I remember I got to the gig mostly on time, so I chilled outside clearing out my RSS reader and Flipboard until I met up with a friend who had some copies of one of my old fanzines for me. I met up…
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June 11, 2013
311, Altercation, Assault Records, Bad Brains, Bold, Chain Of Strength, Chris Corry, Christian Mistress, Confined, Count Me Out, Creem, Deranged Records, DFJ, Fire & Ice, Floorpunch, Free Spirit, Give, Green Beret, Hoax, Husker Du, Ignition, Innumerable Forms, Jerry's Kids, Leeway, Lockin Out Records, Megaforce Records, Mental, Mind Eraser, My Bloody Valentine, Outburst, Painkiller Records, Reaper Records, Relapse Records, Righteous Jams, Side By Side, Slapshot, Society System DeControl, Swiz, The Boston Stranger, The FU's, World War IV, XClaim! Records
Innumerable Forms Frozen To Death Tape Chris Corry and DFJ’s death metal project put out a seven inch a few years back, but this tape shows a lot of progression. The tape has two new songs and the three songs from their previous ep remixed for this new release. I am not so sure how many copies of this tape were made, but track it down if you enjoyed their seven inch. Confined Demo 2012 Pretty generic hardcore somewhere, I am not sure which is more of an influence, between Chain of Strength influenced bands like Champion and Count Me…
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February 11, 2013
Death Evocation, Mind Eraser, Sacrilege
Death Evocation – Brooklyn, Acheron 04 Aug 2012 from (((unartig))) on Vimeo. One of the best bands in the past few years has been Death Evocation. Serious Sacrilege style music from members of Mind Eraser and many others.
June 4, 2012
Adolescents, Agnostic Front, Arctic Flowers, Bad Religion, Black Flag, Catherine Wheel, Chaos UK, Cold Sweat, Deathreat, Destino Final, Discharge, Distort Reality Records, Floorpunch, h2o, Hands Tied, HG Fact Records, Inhuman, Invasion, Iron Lung, Lush, Mind Eraser, Mob 47, Nerveskade, Nuclear Family, Outlast, Perdition, Rattus, Raw Power, Running For Cover, Shitlickers, Shutdown, Siamese Twins, Signal Lost, Sisters Of Mercy, Solutions, The Cure, The Exploited, Tragedy, Vacuum, White Wards
Siamese Twins Demo More Nu-Shoegazer stuff from this band. I seem to be checking out a lot of these bands lately. This six song demo is pretty good, but not something that is really drawing my attention that much. I’m not a big fan of Catherine Wheel and that, along with a bit of Lush, is what this demo reminds me of. There are some elements of The Cure or Sisters of Mercy immersed in their sound as well, which is a little different but nevertheless not really my thing. Big shoegazer fans will want to check this out. Outlast New Jersey…
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