Tag Archive: Inside Out

Shelter-Downset-H2o-Fury of V at Stone Pony Asbury Park NJ 5-5-96

During the winter of 1995-1996, I did not really go to shows for some reason. I think it was a combination of a lack of rides (I was still 16 and about a year away from having my own car) and starting at my first ever job. Our friend who drove to shows dropped out of high school and went through some pretty serious personal problems around this time, so we had to scramble to get other rides, which led to a lot of missed shows. Shelter came through the area and I drove up this show with Crystal and…
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War Zone-Uprise-No Contest-Purpose @ Manville Elks Lodge in Manville, NJ 6-30-97

I don’t think there was a flyer for this show? I think one or two other bands might have played this show, but I don’t remember who else they were. This might have been the first time I saw Purpose and I remember they covered Inside Out and Embrace, which seemed so out of left field in comparison to the youth crew style that was so popular at the time. I think a lot of people checked out Purpose, at first at least, not only because they were a decent band, but because their style was so different from what…
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Vision-Ensign-The Purpose-Saves The Day In Somerset NJ 7-21-97

This show was at Aaron Leonovich’s parents house. Aaron was a nice kid a few years older than me who did Special Forces Records (who put out records by Saves The Day, Breakdown, Purpose, etc) and was around the scene for a lot of years. He did one of the early website I remember from a hardcore kid. I used to check out Talk Is Cheap every morning. This show was in a really nice neighborhood I remember hardcore kids kind of just hanging out all over the place. The basement was huge and there was plenty of room for…
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Summer Reviews

Things have been slow around here lately. Some of it is lack of motivation, a lot of that stems from a decent downswing in readers/listeners, but also in content. I have not had a lot to say lately for some reasons that, maybe, I will write about sometime. *** Real Cops Demo Excellent NJHC that reminds me of bands like Full Speed Ahead and Tear It Up (who members of this band were in). I see a lot of potential here. *** Sucked Dry Demo Wow, another band that sounds like Cold Sweat is a big influence on them. Obviously, other bands like Crossed Out and Rorschach are also big influences. I…
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