Tag Archive: Charles Bronson

Spazz-Canephora-Full Speed Ahead-Hail Mary at Bates Lodge in Red Bank NJ June 1997

After discovering Infest during the winter of 1996/1997, some of us checked out a lot of faster bands. This lead us deep into the power violence scene, which had some crossover with the more youth crew scene we were accustomed to (97a is a good example of this) checking out. We made our way towards the classics like No Comment and Crossed Out and also gravitated near bands like Rorschach, Capitalist Causalities, Acme, and others. This led to modern bands like Charles Bronson, MK Ultra, and, of course, Spazz. Oddly, there was little internet hype for this tour. I actually…
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Summer Reviews

Things have been slow around here lately. Some of it is lack of motivation, a lot of that stems from a decent downswing in readers/listeners, but also in content. I have not had a lot to say lately for some reasons that, maybe, I will write about sometime. *** Real Cops Demo Excellent NJHC that reminds me of bands like Full Speed Ahead and Tear It Up (who members of this band were in). I see a lot of potential here. *** Sucked Dry Demo Wow, another band that sounds like Cold Sweat is a big influence on them. Obviously, other bands like Crossed Out and Rorschach are also big influences. I…
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April 2012 Reviews

Stick Together Demo This Wilkes-Barre band plays 88 style hardcore that reminds me a lot of Four Walls Falling and Release. Good stuff. Mindless Human Conditioning Tape Despite their name, Mindless are not so kind of Infest worship band (although I call dibs on Human Conditioning as a band name…I dig it). Mindless remind me a bit of His Hero Is Gone, but with some 1990’s power violence influence (Charles Bronson I think?). This is a pretty interesting sound and I would like to hear more from them. Fashionable Activism #2 I really liked the firsti ssue of this fanzine…
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Signifying Nothing Top 100 Of The Nineties

Four years late, here is the final list.  One thing I’ve noticed as I put this together is that there is a great lack of compilations on this list.  A lot of the decent compilations in the nineties have great songs, but also terrible ones.  I still feel like I am missing something obvious… 1.6 Band, Self Titled LP, USA, 1992 Acme, Self Titled 7″, Belgium, 1994 All Chrome, Flounders Flyers College & Canada LP, USA, 1999 Arms Reach, Self Titled 7″, Australia, 1998 Assuck, State To State 7″, USA, 1993 Aus-Rotten, Fuck Nazi Sympathy, USA, 1994 Bastard, Wind Of…
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