Tag Archive: Black Cross

Black Cross-Kodan Armada-Marathon-Nakotami Plaza-The Procedure @ Hamilton St. Bound Brook NJ 9-6-03

This is, as far as I know, the only show I ever went to on my birthday. I drove to it alone and spent most of the show hanging out outside with some friends before checking out Black Cross, who had members of Endpoint and some other Kentucky bands. They were kind of screamo meets more straight forward hardcore, I guess, but something I would never listen to now. I had a conversation with someone in this band that left me unimpressed too. Pretty long drive for only one band I only kind of liked.

The Suicide File-The Promise-Lord Sterling-Black Cross @ Hamilton St. Cafe Bound Brook NJ 5-2-03

This was right around the time a lot of people in my friend group began slowly, but surely, slowing down how many shows we went to. After five hit or miss years of college, I was finally firing on all cylinders and had just finished a great paper a few days before on the history of fire fighting in colonial America (long story). I was beginning to get my head straight and realizing how toxic my relationship to the hardcore scene had become. Around this time I had also befriended a significant (well, like three or four) friends on my…
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April 2012 Reviews

Stick Together Demo This Wilkes-Barre band plays 88 style hardcore that reminds me a lot of Four Walls Falling and Release. Good stuff. Mindless Human Conditioning Tape Despite their name, Mindless are not so kind of Infest worship band (although I call dibs on Human Conditioning as a band name…I dig it). Mindless remind me a bit of His Hero Is Gone, but with some 1990’s power violence influence (Charles Bronson I think?). This is a pretty interesting sound and I would like to hear more from them. Fashionable Activism #2 I really liked the firsti ssue of this fanzine…
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Top 100 Of The Nineties: Endpoint-In A Time Of Hate

Endpoint In A Time Of Hate LP Conversion Records 1991 This is a personal choice. When I was a young punk Model was put on a mix tape for me (turned out said mix tape maker just copied the east coast side of the Voice of 1000’s compilation and said it was a mix) and I loved it a lot. In A Time Of Hate, the LP the song comes from, is a great record of slightly metallic youth crew hardcore with great lyrics about the environment, straight edge, and drunk driving. I’ve always had a soft stop for this…
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