June 7, 2019
7 Seconds, Better Than A Thousand, DBX, Earth Crisis, Enkindels, Fahrenheit 451, Fury Of V, Indecision, Madball, Misfits, Murphy's Law, Sick Of It All, Skarhead, Underdog
These “Alive & Well” shows were a huge deal at the time. I did a three show weekend starting with the Ink & Dagger/Bluetip show the night before in Philadelphia. I was really running my car all around the tri-state area. I cannot believe it lasted almost all the way into 2004! Day two was better than day one for sure, but more on that in a minute… So two big rumors that summer: Judge was rumored to be playing this, but the story went that Mike eventually said no. That actually seems reasonable. The other big rumor was Rest…
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January 2, 2017
7 Seconds
I do not remember who else played this show. Maybe h2o or Kill Your Idols???? My big memory of this show was how hot it was inside the venue. By the end of it I had to sit down in a corner and try to cool down. I felt absolutely awful. Apologies to Kevin Seconds for accidentally kicking him in the head while trying to dive during 99 Red Ballons.
August 26, 2014
7 Seconds, Abombanation, Absolution, Adolescents, Adrenalin OD, Agent Orange, Agnostic Front, Akutt Innleggelse, Altercation, Anthrax, Anti Cimex, Articles Of Faith, Artificial Peace, Bad Brains, Bad Trip, Barely Human, Battalion Of Saints, Beyond, BGK, Bl'ast!, Black Flag, Blitz, Bold, Born Without A Face, Boskops, Breakdown, Butthole Surfers, Cause For Alarm, Cheetah Chrome Mother Fuckers, Chumbawamba, Circle Jerks, Civil Dissident, Cock Sparrer, Cockney Rejects, Colcor, Collapse, Condemned To Death, Conflict, Contrazione, Corrosion of Conformity, Crass, Cro-Mags, Crucifix, Crude SS, Crumbsuckers, Dead Kennedys, Deadline, Deadlock, Death Side, Decadence, Deep Wound, Die Kreuzen, Direct, Direct Approach, Dirty Rotten Imbeciles, Discharge, Discipline, DOA, Enola Gay, Enuf, Exploited, Extrem, False Prophets, Final Conflict, Fit Of Anger, Flux Of Pink Indians, G.B.H., Gang Green, Genocide Express, Gism, Gorilla Biscuits, Government Issue, Holy Dolls, Ignition, Impact, Inferno, Infest, Instigators, Iron Cross, Jerry's Kids, Judge, Kalashnikov, Kangrena, Krakdown, Last Rights, Leeway, Life's Blood, Lip Cream, Local Disturbance, Los Violadores, Millions Of Dead Cops, Minor Threat, Mob 47, Napalm Death, Nausea, Negative Approach, Negative FX, Negazione, Neon Christ, Neos, No Labels, No Rock Stars, ODFX, Our Gang, Outburst, Overkill, Pandemonium, Part 1, Peggio Punx, Poison Idea, Porcelain Forehead, Porno Patrol, PPG, Pressure Release, RAF Punk, Rattus, Raw Deal, Raw Power, Reagan Youth, Red C, Rest In Pieces, Rudimentary Peni, Saccharine Trust, Sacrilege, Scream, SCUM, Septic Death, Shit SA, Shitlickers, Show Of Force, Sick Of It All, Side By Side, Siege, Slaughterhouse 4, Slipknot, Society System DeControl, Sons Of Ishmael, Stains, Stand Proud, State, State of Alert, Straight Ahead, Subhumans, Suicidal Tendencies, Supertouch, Swiz, Teen Idles, Terveet Kadet, The Abused, The Afflicted, The Comes, The Dicks, The Execute, The Faith, The Fix, The Freeze, The FU's, The Groinoids, The Iconoclast, The Mob, The Offenders, The Partisans, The Proletariat, The White Lie, Token Entry, Trash, Treason, Trip 6, True Colors, Under Pressure, Underdog, Untouchables, Unwarrented Trust, Uppercut, Upright Citizens, Vicious Circle, Violators, Void, War Zone, Wargasm, Wretched, YDI, YDL, Youth Brigade, Youth Of Today, Zenzile, Zyklome A
Abombanation, Demo Tape, USA, 1988 The Abused, Loud & Clear 7″, USA, 1983 Adolescents, Self Titled LP, USA, 1981 Adrenalin OD, The Wacky Hi-Jinks of Adrenalin OD, USA, 1984 Agent Orange, Your Mother Sucks Cock In Hell 7″, Holland, 1983 Agnostic Front, Victim In Pain LP, USA, 1984 Altercation, Demo Tape, USA, 1988 Anthrax, Capitalism Is Cannibalism 7″, England, 1983 Anti-Cimex, Victims Of A Bomb Raid 7″, Sweden, 1983 Bad Brains, Rock For Light LP, USA, 1983 Battalion Of Saints, Fighting Boys 12″, USA, 1982 Beyond, No Longer At Ease LP, USA, 1988 Black Flag, My War LP, USA, 1983…
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June 13, 2014
7 Seconds, Cro-Mags, Embrace, Inside Out, Life's Blood, No Contest, Purpose, Second Choice Fanzine, Uprise, War Zone
I don’t think there was a flyer for this show? I think one or two other bands might have played this show, but I don’t remember who else they were. This might have been the first time I saw Purpose and I remember they covered Inside Out and Embrace, which seemed so out of left field in comparison to the youth crew style that was so popular at the time. I think a lot of people checked out Purpose, at first at least, not only because they were a decent band, but because their style was so different from what…
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January 3, 2014
25 Ta Life, 625 Records, 7 Seconds, 97a, A Chorus of Disapproval, Absolution, Agnostic Front, Alternative Tentacles Records, Ambassador Records, Amendment 18, Anti Heroes, Arms Reach, Atari, Automatic, Avail, Awkward Thought, Bad Brains, Bane, Beyond, Black Flag, Black Train Jack, Blackout Records, Blood For Blood, Bold, Botch, Breakdown, Breakout Records, Bridge 9 Records, Built To Last, Burn, Carry On, Chain Of Strength, Circle Jerks, Committed, Converge, Cornerstone, Coronation, Count Me Out, Creed Fanzine, Crippled Youth, Cro-Mags, Crucial Response Records, Degenerics, Distant Reach Fanzine, Doing It For The Kids Records, East Coast Empire Records, Edge Of Quarrel Fanzine, Ensign, Equal Vision Records, Excursion Records, Fastbreak, Finish Line Fanzine, First Failure Fanzine, Floorpunch, Forward Defense, Full Speed Ahead, Genuine, Good Clean Fun, Gorilla Biscuits, GPO Records, H-Street, h2o, Hands Tied, Harkonen, High Score, In Control Fanzine, In My Eyes, Indecision Records, Infest, Insted, Iron Cross, Jello Biafra, Jitsu Records, Kill Your Idols, Mad At The World Fanzine, Mainstrike, Mincing Words Fanzine, Mindsnare, Minor Threat, Minute Minder, Model American, Moondog, Mosh Of Ass Fanzine, Mouthpiece, Mugshot, Nerve Agents, Next Step, Nine Lives, No Deal Records, One Sided War, Outspoken, Path Of Resistance, Phyte Records, Price Of Silence, Project X, Punk Uprisings Records, Rancor, Reach The Sky, Redemption 87, Reflections Fanzine, Reflections Records, Reinforce, Resurrection AD Records, Revelation Records, Saves The Day, Second Choice Fanzine, Self Born, Side By Side, Siton Records, Skarhead, Slapshot, Society System DeControl, Spazz, Speak 714, Spirit Fanzine, Sportswear, Standard Issue, Step Ahead, Stormshadow, Straight Ahead, Straight Force Fanzine, Stray Bullets, Strength Approach, Strife, Strung Out, Supertouch, Talk Is Cheap Fanzine, Teamwork Records, Ten Yard Fight, Tenfold, The Faith, The Get Up Kids, The Pact, The Parting Shot, The Purpose, The Templars, The Trust, Time Flies, Toe To Toe, Token Entry, Uniform Choice, Unit Pride, Up Front, Victory Recvords, Wide Awake, Youngblood Records, Youth Brigade, Youth Of Today
We put out Parade Brigade Fanzine #1 in the spring of 1999. I have no idea what show we released it for, but I think it was at Manville Elks Lodge. Maybe. Amendment 18 Demo This band has members of a number of bands (Insted, Chorus Of Disapproval, Outspoken, etc) I had different expectations for this demo expecting more moshy stuff, but I got straight forward hardcore with interesting breakdowns. Lyrically, this isn’t as “militant,” as xChorusx was, but good all around especially “Eulogy.” I look forward to more. BW Bane Holding This Moment Equal Vision Records Bane sort of…
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November 2, 2013
7 Seconds, Absolution, Better Than A 1000, Bob Shedd, Carcass, Ceremony, Chelsea Manning, h2o, Judge, Killing Time, Maximum Penalty, Mindset, Nails, The First Step, The Rival Mob, Tragedy, Trayvon Martin, World War IV, Youth Of Today
t seems that I make an annual trek now to This Is Hardcore for at least one of the days. A few of my friends went to see Tragedy the night before, but I had to wrap up grading for a summer class so I could not go. I wanted to clear out grading so I had the weekend to myself so I could see Judge. I thought I left for the show early enough to catch World War IV, but some traffic miscues and finding parking meant I only caught their last two or three songs. They sounded good…
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October 13, 2013
7 Seconds, A Thin Line Fading, As We Once Were, Backfire Records, Bane, Better Than A Thousand, Big Boys, Black Marker 88, Blink 182, Braid, By A Thread, Cave In, Citizens Arrest, Cro-Mags, Crucial Youth, Dropjaw Records, Eliot, Equal Vision Records, Failure, Fall Silent, Fastbreak, Floorpunch, Four One One, Full Speed Ahead, Garrison, Genet Records, Good Clean Fun, Grudge, Handplant, Hell Bent Records, Himsa, Hydrahead Records, Ignite, In My Eyes, Jimmy Eat World, Kill Your Idols, Kiss It Goodbye, Nerve Agents, Neurosis, No Doubt, Parade Brigade Fanzine, Phyte Records, Pink Floyd, Polyvinyl Records, Revelation Records, Sensefield, Shelter, Slapshot, Speak 714, Standing Order, State Of Mind Records, Straight Ahead, Sunny Day Real Estate, Tears Of Frustration, Ten Yard Fight, The Faith, The Promise Ring, Tim Singer, Tony Hawk, Turning Point, Uniform Choice, Unit Pride, Victory Records
All three “staff members” did reviews for issue two. BW=Bill Wend, John=John Piorkowski, Ferret=Justin Bragg I got a ton of shit in the weeks before that In My Eyes record came out. I got it in the mail, listened a few times, and posted one morning on the Rev Board that I did not like it. I said it reminded me of Better Than A Thousand and was kind of shitty. I went to class and came back to this huge thread about what a fag/loser/pussy I was. LOL. Oh noes, I didn’t like your precious friend’s band and their…
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August 7, 2013
25 Ta Life, 454 Big Block, 7 Seconds, Battery, Breakdown, Dead Kennedys, Earth Crisis, Floorpunch, Hands Tied, Mouthpiece, Sean McGrath, Tim McMahon, Words Of Honor Fanzine, Youth Of Today
A lot has been said about this show and how it ended, but more on that in a bit… I went to this show with my friend Crystal, who sadly died in 2001. Her mother Elizabeth, who was by far the coolest parent in our crew (more on her in a bit too) drove us up to Edison, dropped us off, and went…somewhere? Her sister’s house? Maybe? A LOT of bands played this show. Middlesex shows were typical five to eight bands, and then a few more added on. I only vaguely remember most of them and spent a lot…
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October 14, 2012
108, 7 Seconds, A389 Records, Abombanation, Absolution, Amebix, Anne, Artificial Peace, Bad Trip, Beyond, Black Flag, Breakdown, Burn, Charles Bronson, Citizens Arrest, Cold Sweat, Collapse, Cop Out, Crossed Out, Crown Of Thornz, Deadline, Die Kreuzen, Direct, Direct Approach, Discharge, Discipline, Fit For Abuse, Fit Of Anger, Floorpunch, Full Speed Ahead, Fun With Smack Records, Grave Mistake Records, Hell's Headbangers Records, His Hero Is Gone, Impact Unit, Inhuman, Inside Out, Judge, Knife Fight, Krakdown, Life's Blood, My Bloody Valentine, Negative Approach, NYC Mayhem, Off!, Omegas, Our Gang, Outburst, Painkiller Records, Pressure Release, Quicksand, Raw Deal, Raw Power, Reach Out, Real Cops, Rorschach, Sami Reiss, Sectarian Violence, Show Of Force, Siege, Society System DeControl, Stand Proud, Straight Ahead, Sucked Dry, Taang Records, Tear It Up, The Boston Strangler, The Catherine Wheel, The Faith, The FU's, The Mob, Third Party Records, Totalitar, Tragedy, True Colors, Under Pressure, Uppercut, Vice Records, Violent Future, Won't Belong, Youth Of Today
Things have been slow around here lately. Some of it is lack of motivation, a lot of that stems from a decent downswing in readers/listeners, but also in content. I have not had a lot to say lately for some reasons that, maybe, I will write about sometime. *** Real Cops Demo Excellent NJHC that reminds me of bands like Full Speed Ahead and Tear It Up (who members of this band were in). I see a lot of potential here. *** Sucked Dry Demo Wow, another band that sounds like Cold Sweat is a big influence on them. Obviously, other bands like Crossed Out and Rorschach are also big influences. I…
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March 26, 2012
7 Seconds, Abrasive Wheels, Adrenalin OD, BGK, Confuse, Corrosion of Conformity, Deep Wound, Final Conflict, Gauze, Huvudtavatt, Ignition, Mass Appeal, Meatmen, Podcast, Rattus, Skeptix, Sons Of Ishmael, Sore Throat, Straight Ahead, The Abused, Varukers
Meatmen-1 Down, 3 To Go Gauze-Power Skeptix-Death & Destruction 7 Seconds-Committed For Life Varukers-Soldier Boy Confuse-People Are Nuclear Poisoning The Abused-Loud & Clear Adrenalin OD-AOD vs Godzilla BGK-Arms Race Straight Ahead-Breakaway Station ID Abrasive Wheels-Voice Of Youth Deep Wound-In My Room Sore Throat-War System Ignition-Rebuilding Mass Appeal-More You Hate Sons of Ishmael-Governors Of Death Rattus-Vaara Tapa Huvudtvatt-Manglad Corrosion of Conformity-Poison Planet Final Conflict-Constant Fear