Parade Brigade #4…What Could Have Been…(And Some Other Assorted Stuff)

Parade Brigade Fanzine #3 advertised that the new issue would have interviews with Out Cold, Nerve Agents, Voices Forming Weapons, Speak 714, and Carry On and it would be out in “May or June”…whoops

We ended Parade Brigade Fanzine in the fall of 2001. We did three issues and then a variety of personal, interpersonal, and worldly issues basically put the fanzine to rest. I still swear none of them was 9-11, although I cannot imagine us doing so well in the newly reactionary and jingoistic hardcore scene afterwards. I did a one pager maybe six months later and received a pretty poor reaction, which said to me that maybe this was not going to work any more. Nowadays, I keep a pretty low profile here.

Parade Brigade #4 was originally scheduled to be out in the summer of 2001. “May or June” issue three said, but that got bumped back a bit and then never happened. I did interviews with Speak 714 and The Nerve Agents, John interviewed Carry On, and I was also going to get together with Voices Forming Weapons (or have a friend who knew them well do it) and Out Cold. The Youth Of Today reprint that ended up in that final one pager I did probably would have been in there too.

There were a bunch of problems though. Voices Forming Weapons broke up and Out Cold’s interview never quite got around. I didn’t really want anything to do with Carry On, which became a definite issue. As friends began breaking edge, for better or worse, I kept my distance from them. I tried to get a friend involved, but I also tried to date her too, which ended up screwing up both of those things. The whole thing fell apart.

But wait, there are more unreleased interviews. I never published the Automatic interview I did in 1998 because we had to do it twice and on the second try some idiots at Initial Records (where Matt worked) kept coming on the lining and saying “wacky” stuff. Hilarious! I had the tape for years but it seems to have been lost when I moved. I basically refused to promote a band that let their stupid friends pull that shit.

I did an interview with SOV in June of 1998 at a show they played with Full Speed Ahead, but the tape was really corrupted when I went to transcribe it a few months later. The same thing happened with a Vision interview I did around that time, so maybe it was the same tape? I cannot remember at this point.

I have confirmed with friends that I did an H-Street interview, but I have no idea what happened to it. I have a feeling I lost the file on a floppy disc or something.
