Tag Archive: American Nightmare

The Holy Mountain-Entrails

The Holy Mountain Entrails LP No Idea Records I have heard a lot of hype for this band lately. Some people say they sound like Tragedy, others say they are pretty cheesy. While the influence of bands like Tragedy is apparent, Entrails really fails to catch my interest. The attempt at what Tragedy is doing is apparent: this is crusty sounding hardcore but it is so catchy and poppy that any rage it has is totally deflated. There are even segway tracks like Tragedy has. Entrails is too poppy and instead of reminding me of bands like Born Against or…
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Damage II

Anthony did this one for Fuck Rock Fanzine. I didn’t even know this interview existed until he sent it to me a few months ago. Actually, I don’t think I’ve even heard Damage II before. I know I saw the first Damage once and they had a bunch of songs with Simpsons themed names which was pretty cool. Thanks again for taking time out to do the interview. How are things going with Damage II? Are the upcoming west coast dates coming together? Damage II is going real well, things are moving a little slow, but we’re still getting somewhere.…
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Parade Brigade #2 Intro Bust

These are our personal pages from Parade Brigade #2. Again, mine is very brief. #2 All I have to say is it’s good to be back! It has been a really long time between issues, shit happens, things just get in the way. In the future we will hopefully be doing this more often. Things have been hectic and priorities change. I can no longer spend 24/7 on hardcore even though I somehow get sucked into doing it sometimes. Hardcore is in my blood, this is the kind of thing which will keep me involved in the scene. I love…
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